[Michlib-l] Badges for Summer Reading Program

White, Shannon (MDE) WhiteS29 at michigan.gov
Fri Jan 10 10:19:06 EST 2014


You can find some badging information here.  Badge Resources - www.badgeresources.weebly.com<http://www.badgeresources.weebly.com>
This site was created by Shauna Masura and Victoria Lungu for a MLA Annual Conference Poster session in 2012.

Also you may find some helpful information here http://www.hastac.org/news/get-inside-scoop-how-build-badge-system-badges-lifelong-learning-dml-competition-grantees
Badges for Lifelong Learning -- Get the Inside Scoop on How to Build a Badge System From the Badges for Lifelong Learning DML Competition Grantees


Shannon D. White
Continuing Education Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 West Kalamazoo, P.O. Box 30007, Lansing, MI 48909-7507
Ph: 517-373-9489; Fax: 517-373-5700
Toll free:  877-479-0021
whites29 at michigan.gov<mailto:whites29 at michigan.gov>

The Library of Michigan is pleased to share a new video series highlighting Michigan libraries and how they are making a difference in their communities.  To experience Michigan libraries in a new light, visit http://brightside.cedam.info/ and watch the 21st Century Libraries episode.

From: michlib-l-bounces at mail.mcls.org [mailto:michlib-l-bounces at mail.mcls.org] On Behalf Of CDL Director
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 9:33 AM
To: Michlib-l at mail.mcls.org
Subject: [Michlib-l] Badges for Summer Reading Program


The concept for earning online digital badges for a Summer program is fantastic.  Kudos to AADL and Canton and other libraries who have been successful in revamping the program.  There is flexibility in making a program like this as complex or as simple as you want.

I have found plenty of information and great ideas about different ways to run this program but very little on the technical logistics of setting it up. I am seeking resources and information for any type of platform that can be purchased where the work is already done.  Something where participants could create profiles on our website and display badges they have earned within their profile.  I have found this  http://openbadges.org/   but really would prefer it be on the library website. Anything out there for a library who has no dedicated IT person to create this?

Respond off list to: director at mycdl.org<mailto:director at mycdl.org>

Any input is helpful.

Thank you,
Jami Cromley
Library Director
Community District Library
director at mycdl.org<mailto:director at mycdl.org>
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