[Michlib-l] Let's Learn about Project Outcome!

Atkin, Evette (MDE) AtkinE at michigan.gov
Mon Oct 31 14:55:41 EDT 2016

Have you heard of Project Outcome?  PLA's current library initiative provides libraries not only with the tools to measure the impact your library's services have on your user base, but also provides libraries with a means of comparing their outcomes to other libraries throughout your state!  For more information, visit LM's Project Outcome page<http://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/0,2351,7-160-18668_58063_78072---,00.html> and check out this upcoming free webinar put on by PLA!

Project Outcome: Communicating Your Results (Public Library Association)

Thursday, Nov. 10 (12-1 pm)

"Communicating Your Results" is the second in a series of three webinars designed to help library leaders and staff turn your Project Outcome results into action. This webinar builds upon a previous session about good practices for communicating about data; it will focus on turning survey results into compelling messages about a library's impact for internal and external audiences. This session will set up the final webinar about using Project Outcome data to support funding requests and grant proposals. Participants will also hear from other library leaders about their own experience and lessons learned from communicating about their Project Outcome survey results.

For more information and to register, visit: http://www.ala.org/pla/onlinelearning/webinars

Evette M. Atkin
Continuing Education Coordinator
Library of Michigan
atkine at michigan.gov<mailto:atkine at michigan.gov>

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