[Michlib-l] Futures Conference Sept. 25-26, 2017 in Atlantic City, NJ

White, Shannon (MDE) WhiteS29 at michigan.gov
Mon Aug 14 09:33:18 EDT 2017

Sharing this information about a conference in New Jersey this September about the future of libraries.
What does the future of libraries look like? How will libraries be impacted by technology? How will they communicate and what tools will be available to help libraries adapt in order to best suit their customers' needs?
Join librarians from across the country in beginning a discussion on how libraries need to change in order to thrive in the next decade. We imagine a morphing of imagination, inspiration, and information that will transform the way libraries look at the future. Hear speakers share their vision, engage in small group discussions and be a part of a conference where EVERYONE walks away with a plan to navigate the future through newly envisioned possibilities.
Announcing a special opportunity to register for the 2017 Futures Conference to be held September 25 - 26, 2017 at the Borgata Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City.
You may register by credit card or check by logging on to the Eventbrite website listed below. Once there, click on "TICKETS," then click on "Enter Promotional Code" in the upper right. The cost of the registration is $395. If you are a library staff member of one of the Sponsoring States listed below, please contact your state librarian for information on how to register at a reduced rate
****A full breakfast and a delicious lunch both days is included with the cost of your registration****
Access the registration page here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/futures-conference-imagination-inspiration-innovation-tickets-32919348658<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0015FHRO00omRUFwRQJw3GRiDnlU9XAkK_YI9QFLK2krM_68dHMzdZ8SMZvwLnMVhd2J7mNNLPuDc5uPV_XP3d3VFx_DZpj7Vcjuja-YVkXzOmkRwHR5aqVQTbIVvEm2EwkmD04Cp3grRg62B5rwQShKjVMgkTS801FDP_2GyOxmQSIansb2svxb4bHnkhpbaSXhqMf3OoM95eC0c_avycXDtopvTuBwfvy5IujO6INv8uOXP2pPcNhV8PTxTnnA6XK&c=E-7xi2gRi2i80vh3KDVSbLs_yzTvZ-LFq4_tJ71tMKNl6D581OpwHw==&ch=fMUInlsajDZ3onVQTNDZbJmx7EeYqRGwrnUSjGNzYcfoKajZhLxZeA==>
For more information about the event and a list of speakers, visit: http://www.njstatelib.org/event/futures-conference/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0015FHRO00omRUFwRQJw3GRiDnlU9XAkK_YI9QFLK2krM_68dHMzdZ8SMZvwLnMVhd25SnEhETtmKYeEIPqmI59aDVr8kUgpomQ2CwekGWSeov_9M88sZGFc9XunGuIwe3GKCxexzOg_GWxi3Pr1cN5UlwUV1CXCH19D3SNZk_npJhstHazRfkdCMIBUb47JWtX&c=E-7xi2gRi2i80vh3KDVSbLs_yzTvZ-LFq4_tJ71tMKNl6D581OpwHw==&ch=fMUInlsajDZ3onVQTNDZbJmx7EeYqRGwrnUSjGNzYcfoKajZhLxZeA==>
A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Borgata at the rate of $114 (plus 14% Occupancy Tax and $5 Atlantic City Occupancy Fee) per night.  You will also notice a charge of $15/night for the 'Resort Fee'. This resort fee will be waived at time of check out pursuant to our agreement with the Borgata. Reservations can be made through the registration page or by contacting the Borgata Hotel Reservations Department at 609-317-1000. Identify yourself as an attendee of the Futures Conference using Group Code: GBNJL17.
Be sure to join us for this special event.  Seats are limited so please register early.

Shannon White
Library of Michigan
Whites29 at michigan.gov

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