[Michlib-l] WebJunction content and upcoming webinars
Atkin, Evette (MDE)
AtkinE at michigan.gov
Thu Jul 27 12:34:07 EDT 2017
Greetings! Please see below for free library continuing education content. Access to WebJunction is provided to you, in part, by the Library of Michigan and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Free course registration now open! Wikipedia + Libraries: Better Together
This fall, WebJunction will offer a free online training program for up to 500 US public library staff to learn to confidently engage with Wikipedia. The course will provide a collaborative learning environment for public library peers to build their Wikipedia skills, implement Wikipedia programming and amplify the role of libraries as information literacy leaders in their communities. Learn more about the program and enroll today<http://learn.webjunction.org/course/index.php?categoryid=53>!
Highlighted content
These resources can help you strengthen your library and services to the community, explore them today!
* Bike the Branches at Brooklyn Public Library:<http://www.webjunction.org/news/webjunction/bike-the-branches.html> This fantastic fundraising idea could inspire you to get pedaling. The Brooklyn Public Library designed a day-long bike ride through BPL's 60-branch system, including a race for both amateurs and professionals, self-guided tours for the more leisurely bikers, and events and activities throughout the system for 35,000 visitors of all ages.
* Visualizing (and Finding!) Funding for Libraries<http://learn.webjunction.org/course/search.php?search=tkacik> (recorded webinar): Visualizing Funding for Libraries is a free data-visualization tool that enables library professionals and supporters to search for institutional funding for libraries at national, state, and local levels. Learn pro tips on navigating the tool as well as next steps on how to pursue new funding opportunities. Data visualizations such as maps, network constellations, and partnership pathways showcase key networks of funders and recipients, as well as individual grants that highlight the library services and programs that are winning grants.
Free WebJunction webinars for you!
These upcoming webinars are open for registration. If you can’t attend a live session, all WebJunction webinars are recorded and available for free in the Course Catalog<http://learn.webjunction.org/>.
More Than #MotivationMonday: Motivating Your Team Any Day of the Week
Thursday, August 17, 2017 ♦ 3:00 pm Eastern / 12:00 pm Pacific ♦ 1 hour
Registration: http://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/motivating-your-team.html
Employees motivated to deliver top notch service are key to a library’s success. But many in library organizations don’t know how to effectively instigate employee motivation. As a critical management and leadership skill, it’s important to know what motivation is and isn't, what works and what doesn’t. In this session, we’ll explore factors that influence motivation at work and review strategies for supervisors to keep their teams motivated and productive. No matter the size of your library or your role, you will be inspired to find your own motivation and be able to catalyze others!
Presented by: Rachel G. Rubin, MLIS, PhD, Director, Bexley (OH) Public Library, soon to be Director of Library and Information Services, Capital University (OH)
IFLA’s Global Vision: An Interactive Discussion
Thursday, August 24, 2017 ♦ 3:00 pm Eastern / 12:00 pm Pacific ♦ 1 hour
Registration: http://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/global-vision-an-interactive-discussion.html
Earlier this year, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) launched a series of Global Vision<https://globalvision.ifla.org/> discussions to bring together thousands of librarians around the world, through face-to-face and online interactive participation, to explore how a connected library field can meet the challenges of the future. IFLA believes that the challenges facing the library field from ever-increasing globalization can only be met and overcome by an inclusive, global response from a united library field. By joining us for this webinar, you can participate in this global discussion to identify future challenges and opportunities facing the library field and help to prioritize actions that a united and connected library field can take.
The Association for Rural and Small Libraries<http://arsl.info/>, in collaboration with WebJunction, invites rural and small libraries to join this highly interactive webinar discussion to voice your opinions and contribute to shaping a unique and comprehensive IFLA Global Vision. In preparation, you may want to reflect on your work in the library field: Why do you think your work is important? How do you see your work in the future? You may also refer to IFLA’s Trend Report<https://trends.ifla.org/> as well as other relevant publications about libraries and the trends and developments affecting them.
Together we build literate, informed and participative societies. Together we create the future. Join us!
Facilitated by: Jennifer Pearson, ARSL board member, IFLA Global Vision North American regional discussion representative, and director Marshall County Memorial Library (TN)
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