[Michlib-l] School Library Research

Lester, Kathy kathyl at mimame.org
Tue Mar 27 19:12:48 EDT 2018

I would like to suggest that library advocates share the forwarded article
with *local school board members and superintendents *rather than their
local school librarians.
Because chances are that your local schools do NOT employ school librarians.

Only *8%* of Michigan Schools employ a full-time certified school librarian
and only 18% employ either a full or part-time school librarian.
(See chart below).
Michigan ranks 47th in the nation in terms of the ratio of students to
school librarians and ranks *46th in the nation in 4th-grade students
scoring proficient or above in reading* as measured by the National
Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP).

One of the SLJ articles
referenced by Deb Kachel lists Michigan as one of the states that have lost
the highest percentage of FTE School Librarians between 2009-10 and
A graph of the loss of certified school librarians in Michigan is found

Jim Neal, ALA President, in his March article for American Libraries
states: "In this environment of inter­dependency, we, as a family of
libraries, must embrace advocacy for school libraries as foundational to
the success of our collective work for students who love to read, as we
prepare them for college, career, and life."

In addition, April is School Library month!  This has been recognized by
Governor Snyder in his proclamation of April as School Library Month in
Michigan.  bit.ly/MIaprilslm
Thus, April would be a great time to send letters to local school board
members and superintendents.  A sample letter which can be personalized can
be found here: bit.ly/MIslltr

Michigan MUST support effective school libraries supported by certified
school librarians in order to improve literacy in our state.

Thank you for sharing the April 2018 *Phi Delta Kappan* article "Why school
librarians matter: What years of research tell us" by Deborah Kachel and
Keith Curry Lance (
widely; but, thank you especially for sharing it with local school boards
and superintendents.

If you have any questions or need additional data, please let me know.
Thank you so much!
--Kathy Lester

Kathy Lester, MLIS, MA
*Advocacy Chair, Past-President 2014*
Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME)
*SIGLIB Steering Committee*
Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL)
*School Library Media Specialist / Technology Coach*
*SL21 Model Library, 2017-2018*
*SL21 Exemplary Ranking - Michigan School Libraries for the 21st Century
East Middle School, Plymouth-Canton Schools
*ISTE Making IT Happen Award Winner*
*2017 MAME Michigan School Library Program of the Year*
*2012 **State Librarian's Excellence Award Winner*
kathyL at mimame.org
810.333.5873 <(810)%20333-5873>

On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 3:56 AM, Christine Hage via Michlib-l <
michlib-l at mcls.org> wrote:

> Please share with your local school librarians.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Deb Kachel <dkachel69 at comcast.net>
> Date: Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 9:06 PM
> Subject: Newly Published School Library Research
> Hello School Library Advocates
> Keith Curry Lance and I have conducted some recent research and  hope you
> will help us spread this info out on your state networks and social media.
> Our research is gaining attention and has been published by School Library
> Journal and Phi Delta Kappan. Here are the links. In addition, please read
> the Jessen article that shows how students in our poorest communities and
> largely black communities have the fewest school libraries and librarians.
> Jessen poses this as a “canary in the coal mine” harkening of a
> resegregation of schools, led by the charter movement that has the least
> library services for students due to no oversight.
> I hope you find these articles helpful in your work to ensure that all
> K-12 students can learn with adequate school library services.
> Phi Delta Kappan http://www.kappanonline.org/lance-kachel-school-
> librarians-matter-years-research/
> Several School Library Journal articles: Landing page
> https://www.slj.com/school-librarian-state-union/#_
> Thank you for all your continued support, Deb
> ************************************************
> *Debra E. Kachel*
> Legislative Liaison, Pa. School Librarians Assn.
> *dkachel69 at comcast.net <dkachel69 at comcast.net>*
> 717-575-3886 (cell)
> Twitter @SchLibAdvocate
> *PA Library Legislation Webpage
> <https://psla.memberclicks.net/pa-librarian-legislation>*
> *PA School Library Project <http://paschoollibraryproject.org/home>*
> Christine Lind Hage
> Director, Rochester Hills Public Library
> Division Councilor, United for Libraries
> 500 Olde Towne Road
> Rochester, MI 48307-2043
> 248/650-7122 <(248)%20650-7122>
> The E's of Libraries®: Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, E
> mpowerment, Engagement
> _______________________________________________
> Michlib-l mailing list
> Michlib-l at mcls.org
> http://mail2.mcls.org/mailman/listinfo/michlib-l
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