[Michlib-l] RIDES thoughts

Joann Crater justjoann_hudsonlibrary at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 26 17:11:26 EST 2019

As part of the RIDES advisory committee, here is what I have learned over the past few years.  
We own 8,000 totes.   The couriers need some and beyond that about 5,000 need to be in circulation at all times.The totes are $15 for the small and $22 for the large, bought in bulk with discount prices.In  June of 2013 MCLS purchased 8,000.  In March of 2018 1,000 more were purchased.  There is talk of adding more this upcoming year. (This is part of our costs.)There are 398 stops for delivery with 740 names on the labelmaker.Since July 1, 2018 RIDES has reimbursed for 68 damaged items.  When you consider they move over 10,000 items per day....that is awesome.
We also have a RIDES assistance form.  It can tell them when you are going to be closed, when you will open back up, when you need more totes, when there is a missed delivery, when there is a lost or damaged item and there is even a miscellaneous option for anything you want to use it for, positives included. However, it doesn't tell them anything if you don't fill it out and send it.  It's as easy as posting on Michlib-l.  
We are a smaller library and have one tote that rotates in and out at each delivery.  I was simply amazed at the stories and pictures of those of you that send out 30+ totes each day.  I was also amazed at the picture of a stack of totes sitting on a loading dock "just waiting in case" they needed them.  I was amazed when I visited our hub, I can't imagine what Royal Oak does every day.  And I am always amazed when someone posts that they have a toteful of envelopes....totes are to move books, not for storage.  If you too would like to be amazed, my seat is up after the April meeting....let Sue know you would like to serve for a term and see what an eye opener it is.
It truly is an amazing thing we have going here and it is nice to be able to offer it to our patrons....if we all work together it works.

Joann Crater


Hudson Carnegie District Library (zv170)

205 S. Market St.

Hudson MI 49247


director at hudsoncdl.org

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