[Michlib-l] Government Documents Round Table of Michigan Meeting

Bruce Sarjeant bsarjean at nmu.edu
Thu May 9 13:56:45 EDT 2019

Good Afternoon Everyone

A reminder that the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of Michigan
is having their annual meeting next Friday (May 17th) at Wayne State
University.  This will happen in the morning and you need not me a member
to attend.  We would love to see you there.  The agenda includes journalist
Scott Jordan and Senator (Retired) Carl Levin.

Agenda and registration link here http://godortmi.org/meetings/spring-2019/

Bruce Sarjeant
Reference, Documents & Maps Librarian
Lydia Olson Library
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle Ave
Marquette, MI  49855
(906) 227-1580
bsarjean at nmu.edu
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