[Michlib-l] Youth & Teen Services Updates

Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) LancasterC5 at michigan.gov
Thu Feb 13 14:44:01 EST 2020

Need to Know

NEA's Read Across America is year-round! For ideas on planning an event at your library go to: https://www.readacrossamerica.org/event-ideas/. Each Month<https://www.readacrossamerica.org/2019-2020-calendar/> features a new book & theme.

OK2SAY Update
OK2SAY<https://www.michigan.gov/ok2say/> has recently updated its mobile app and website to make it easier for individuals to submit confidential tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, or schools. As part of the upgrade, students must provide either a telephone number or an email address when they submit a tip so the OK2SAY technicians can ask follow-up questions. Sign up for the OK2SAY newsletter<https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/MIAG/subscriber/new?topics_id=MIAG_38> and access OK2SAY Promotional Materials<https://www.michigan.gov/ok2say/0,5413,7-366-86418-341238--,00.html>.

"What's New in Children's Literature 2020," a free webinar from Infopeople
February 19th, 3:00 PM EST - Register now: https://infopeople.org/civicrm/event/info?id=886&reset=1

Our Planet: Earth, a free webinar
April 22nd marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fala.us1.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3Db9b7f12a0545b1a14ef19a691%26id%3D739f8136e6%26e%3D55dff2545f&data=02%7C01%7CLancasterC5%40michigan.gov%7C85137ffc797f45c0462008d7aff1fe7d%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637171326205654890&sdata=Acv6HSUvSL3bcDoH5vIXQTwTiqWejJGKmxEO9s1zkFg%3D&reserved=0>! The STAR Net team is celebrating this momentous occasion with the Our Planet: Earth<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fala.us1.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3Db9b7f12a0545b1a14ef19a691%26id%3De2413d991f%26e%3D55dff2545f&data=02%7C01%7CLancasterC5%40michigan.gov%7C85137ffc797f45c0462008d7aff1fe7d%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637171326205654890&sdata=Z0UF7lGXLiiA9ktRzeE%2BcAt5UXzKYOsp%2Bi1ugvtLDMc%3D&reserved=0> campaign, focusing on citizen science and Earth science opportunities during the whole month of April. Join us for a free webinar on Feb. 20, at 3PM EST to learn about free hands-on STEM activities, programming ideas, how to harness the power of teens in environmental advocacy, and ways your library can take action for a sustainable world! Register for free here.<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fala.us1.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3Db9b7f12a0545b1a14ef19a691%26id%3Da6c763d1d1%26e%3D55dff2545f&data=02%7C01%7CLancasterC5%40michigan.gov%7C85137ffc797f45c0462008d7aff1fe7d%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637171326205664885&sdata=Cvm%2F%2Flf2hm%2BTiktATCKexg0s0Tmg3GWNSzdAG6AWY7k%3D&reserved=0>

LM Youth Services "Best Storytelling Practices" Webinar Series:
Parade of Elephants: Ready to Read Michigan 2020 with Jenifer Strauss<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flibraryofmichigan.z2systems.com%2Fnp%2Fclients%2Flibraryofmichigan%2FeventRegistration.jsp%3Fevent%3D266%26&data=02%7C01%7Clancasterc5%40michigan.gov%7C8da70346bc674de742e308d7a656def1%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C1%7C637160764350219439&sdata=kCRo%2FHqqToRDzhKX8vhdgumtGfGO6JJPRycU4rvOw2A%3D&reserved=0> *Kits are arriving now at public libraries!!
Thursday, February 20, 2020
2:00 PM ET
In 2020, the Library of Michigan's Ready to Read Michigan program will feature the book, Parade of Elephants by Kevin Henkes. In this informative and interactive webinar, Storyteller and Narrative Consultant, Jenifer Strauss will feature Parade of Elephants and then share a plethora of ideas to build a storytime for your youngest patrons using this sweet, action-filled story. In this webinar you will:

  *   Be introduced to the book: Parade of Elephants by Kevin Henkes with several examples for how to share it with your youngest patrons and caregivers.
  *   Include the Five Practices with Elephant songs, dances and activities!
  *   Sing and tell other interactive songs and stories that partner well with the featured book.
  *   Learn "Act it Out and Play Options" for the theme that include patterns, counting, colors and opposites.
This webinar is recorded for participants that cannot attend live and is supported in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Beyond Storytime: The Care and Feeding of Teens at Your Library with Jenifer Strauss<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flibraryofmichigan.z2systems.com%2Fnp%2Fclients%2Flibraryofmichigan%2FeventRegistration.jsp%3Fevent%3D265%26&data=02%7C01%7Clancasterc5%40michigan.gov%7C8da70346bc674de742e308d7a656def1%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637160764350229394&sdata=VTZ7cGxnyX9cx8%2FnA3dt4yiH%2F0lh6Synuro6CshGLnQ%3D&reserved=0>
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
2:00 PM ET
"If you feed them, they might come", but food alone will not keep teens coming back to your library for more! A sense of place, belonging and strong programming will.
Don your hard hats and take a journey inside the teenage brain with former sixth grade teacher, Institute on Media and the Family speaker and Storyteller, Jenifer Strauss. Find out "why they act that way" and what it takes to really connect with tweens and teens at your library.
In this webinar you will:

  *   Understand the workings of the teenage brain
  *   Learn new programming ideas that will entice teens
  *   Find out how to create a Teen Advocacy Group & attract teen volunteers
  *   Discover ways to funnel teen creativity into programs that focus on contribution
  *   Learn how to collaborate with community partners that offer what teens need
This webinar is recorded for participants that cannot attend live and is supported in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Cathy Lancaster
Youth Services Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48915
LancasterC5 at michigan.gov<mailto:LancasterC5 at michigan.gov> | 517-335-8129 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
Follow us: Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/libraryofmichigan/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/libraryofmich> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/libraryofmichigan/>

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