[Michlib-l] PLEASE SHARE: SOS evening appointments for licenses and IDs

Simlar, Cathleen (MDOS) SimlarC at michigan.gov
Thu Sep 10 13:55:41 EDT 2020

Hello.  We are hoping libraries across the state can help get the word out about Secretary of State's evening appointments for people whose license or ID has expired.  Below is the article.  As always, thank you so much.

Secretary of State offers special appointments,
extended hours to renew driver's licenses/state IDs

Residents can renew their driver's license/state ID before the Sept. 30 extension deadline-and avoid paying the late fee- by making an appointment today online at Michigan.gov/SOS<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.michigan.gov%2FSOS&data=02%7C01%7CStarkeyS%40michigan.gov%7C5ebf274df0a241b5549108d84ac0f220%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637341539852428928&sdata=E7zo5w5lnXpoioDOxoU0%2FmKBtz7cuu9nc2Bp1iMxzsY%3D&reserved=0> or by calling 888-SOS-MICH (767-6424).

Secretary of State branches have extended hours and opened up special appointments from 4 to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday at all branches through Sept. 30 for renewing Michigan driver's licenses/state IDs that expire between Jan. 1, 2020, and Oct. 31, 2020, and require a branch visit. Appointments are still available but filling up fast. Book your appointment now. These special appointments can only be used for renewing a license/ID that meets the above criteria.

Complete information about these special appointments, regular appointments for other types of transactions and other ways to renew is available on the Secretary of State website<https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-93094-537374--,00.html>.

Cathleen P. Simlar
Communications Specialist
Michigan Department of State
Office:  (517) 335-3263
Cell: (248) 761-7145
Email: SimlarC at Michigan.gov<mailto:SimlarC at Michigan.gov>

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