[Michlib-l] Join us today at 11am Eastern (10am Central)!

Jan Davidson davidsonj at mcls.org
Fri Apr 16 08:06:07 EDT 2021

Please excuse the cross-posting.

The April MCLS Virtual Dialogue is TODAY, Friday, April 16, 11am - 12:30pm Eastern (10-11:30am Central). This is a positive, encouraging, participatory time for you to share with and learn from other library staff all over Indiana and Michigan. We spend most of our time in small breakout groups, learning from each other and brainstorming ideas. All library staff in all roles are welcome!
Today we'll be talking about the experiences with technology that each of us have had, and discussing how we can leverage the things we value about technology in order to balance the best of virtual and in-person.

Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85184838432?pwd=WWkvaVB0UlpEZlJudW53V3RsRnpoQT09

PS - You can view the recordings and chat logs from the previous dialogues anytime at?https://www.mcls.org/training-events/presentation-slides/
Jan Davidson
Project Manager
Engagement, Consulting, and Training
Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS)
(517) 492-3811 / toll-free (800) 530-9019 x111
davidsonj at mcls.org<mailto:davidsonj at mcls.org>

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