[Michlib-l] Book Challenge resources and Information

Membiela, Clare (MDE) MembielaC at michigan.gov
Tue Dec 7 12:12:45 EST 2021


According to the ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom, materials challenges are up more than 60% across the country in school and public libraries, including here in Michigan.

The Library of Michigan has added two information sheets on the topic of materials challenges and reconsiderations in public libraries.

Book Challenges, Censorship, and Michigan Public Libraries- https://www.michigan.gov/documents/libraryofmichigan/Book_Challenges_Censorship__Michigan_Public_Libraries_742861_7.pdf

Handling Materials Reconsideration, Challenges, and Censorship a Checklist-

As always, libraries are encouraged to consult their attorneys with any questions regarding content-based removal of materials.

Take care,

Clare D. Membiela, MLS, J.D.
Library Law Consultant
Library of Michigan
MembielaC at michigan.gov<mailto:MembielaC at michigan.gov>
The research and resources above are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.
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