[Michlib-l] Fax options?

Tamara Denby tdenby at clinton.lib.mi.us
Tue Jan 12 13:08:03 EST 2021

Hello to my fellow Michigan librarians! I need to pick your collective
brains if you don't mind :)

Our library does a fair amount of faxing for our patrons, and we're happy
to provide that service. However, we're finding that the multifunction
printers we have used are not the easiest option for sending faxes,
especially longer faxes with multiple pages--they are slow, jam up/misfeed
all the time, and generally cause my staff a lot of frustration.

I've read about some alternatives, such as online fax services. I'm just
not sure if the cost for such a service is justified. Which leads me to my
question: Does any library wish to share:
1. how they send faxes
2. their experience with online fax services
3. other insight or advice?

I would be very grateful! And, as always, I would be happy to share the
responses I receive if anyone else is in the same situation.


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