[Michlib-l] Fwd: Michigan Library Awards Nominations due tomorrow, Friday, July 16

Jen Hassell jen.hassell at baldwinlib.org
Thu Jul 15 16:18:21 EDT 2021

One more time for the people in the back!

Nominations for the Michigan Library Awards close tomorrow evening (7/16).
Everyone knows someone, or multiple someones, who went above and beyond
during this exceptionally challenging year.  Help validate their hardwork
by nominating support staff, librarians and library supporters today (or

The Michigan Library Awards is the can't miss virtual event for celebrating
the achievements of the library community.
Michigan Library Awards Call for Nominations
The Call for Nominations for the Michigan Library Awards closes
tomorrow, Friday,
July 16! Help us celebrate! Nominate a deserving colleague, employee or
supporter at milibraries.org/michigan-library-awards
Help us recognize excellence in Michigan libraries and celebrate and honor
our colleagues who have gone above and beyond serving our communities this
past year.
In addition to recognition during the Michigan Library Awards virtual gala
on Wednesday, October 13, award honorees will also receive an attractive
award statuette and a monetary award.

This is a great opportunity to recognize a colleague, library supporter or
staff member for their accomplishments and contributions to Michigan
libraries and dedication to serving Michigan communities. Please consider
submitting a nomination to help us celebrate and honor the good work and
achievements of our library community!

Details and links to application materials and nomination forms for the
Michigan Library Awards are available at

Submit completed nomination packets for the Michigan Library Association's
Lifetime Achievement Award, Public Librarian of the Year, Heart of a
Champion, Rising Star, Support Staff of the Year, or Frances H. Pletz Award
for Excellence in Service to Youth by Friday, July 16, 2021, using the web
form on MLA's website.

Questions? If you have any questions about submitting a nomination or need
to verify membership status to make sure a potential nominee is eligible,
please contact Rachel Ash, MLA Membership and Communications Director at
rfash at milibraries.org. <rfash at milibraries.org>
Michigan Library Awards Hosts
The Michigan Library Awards are presented annually to celebrate Michigan's
libraries and library staff and are co-hosted by the Michigan Library
Association, the Library of Michigan, the Library of Michigan Foundation,
the Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME), and the Michigan
Academic Library Association (MiALA). Honorees will be recognized during a
special virtual ceremony on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, as we celebrate
the accomplishments, dedication and service of outstanding libraries,
library staff, trustees and supporters.

Relive the excitement! Check out the 2020 Michigan Library Awards to get
inspired and submit a nomination today.
[image: Michigan Library Awards 2020]
Michigan Library Association | 3410 Belle Chase Way, Suite 100, Lansing, MI
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