[Michlib-l] Youth Services Librarian (30 hours/Part-Time) - Mount Clemens Public Library

Brandon Bowman bbowman at mtclib.org
Tue Sep 27 16:07:48 EDT 2022

Good afternoon,

The Mount Clemens Public Library is seeking an energetic candidate for the
position of Youth Services Librarian. This position will work directly with
our Head of Youth Services to plan and implement dynamic programming
centered around our new makerspaces, as well as going out into the
community and representing the library at events and community meetings.

The Mount Clemens Public Library recently underwent a $9.3 million dollar
renovation of our main building, and we have been making fantastic inroads
with our local schools and community organizations, as well as purchasing
our first outreach vehicle.

If this sounds like somewhere you'd like to work, please follow the
instructions at the end of the attached job description!

Brandon Bowman
Library Director
Mount Clemens Public Library
150 Cass Avenue
Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043
Office - 586.469.6200 ext. 101
Cell -  810.683.4310
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