[Michlib-l] Board Member Term Limits

Membiela, Clare (MDE) MembielaC at michigan.gov
Fri Aug 4 15:06:02 EDT 2023

Board terms are determined by the establishment statute of the library. Some library types have some discretion in terms. A board could only change the terms of office of its members in accordance with the law that governs that library type.

Term limitations involve constitutional issues and are something that a library board would likely not be able to simply determine- particularly with an elected board. In addition, municipal libraries may have to adhere to municipal charters that impose term limits on certain officials.

A board could impose term limits for officers within the board (president, vice president, etc.) by implementing the limit in their bylaws.

Library boards wishing to explore the possibility of term limits are encouraged to consult their library attorney.

I hope this helps!

Clare D. Membiela, MLS, J.D.
Library Law Consultant
Library of Michigan
MembielaC at michigan.gov<mailto:MembielaC at michigan.gov>

The research and resources above are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.

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From: Michlib-l <michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org> On Behalf Of Cory Grimminck via Michlib-l
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 12:07 PM
To: michlib-l at mcls.org
Subject: [Michlib-l] Board Member Term Limits

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I'm just curious because I genuinely do not know . . . do any of you have term limits for your board members?  If so, are they appointed or elected members?  What is the limit?  Why did you choose to have limits, and do you find them to be effective?

Thanks in advance for any info I may get!
Cory Grimminck
Portland District Library
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