[Michlib-l] New Documents for January 2023

Kate Pohjola Andrade kate at woodlands.lib.mi.us
Wed Feb 1 14:20:52 EST 2023

Their Facebook feed is hilarious and informative, too:


On Wed, Feb 1, 2023 at 2:04 PM Laura Warren-Gross via Michlib-l <
michlib-l at mcls.org> wrote:

> In fact you can download and print it for free:
> 2023 Cat calendar - Booklets, Manuals, and Guides - USACE Digital Library
> (oclc.org)
> <https://usace.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16021coll11/id/5869/rec/1>
> 😊
> Laura
> *From:* Michlib-l <michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org> *On Behalf Of *Joshua
> Ohlendorf via Michlib-l
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 1, 2023 1:23 PM
> *To:* Bruce Sarjeant - Northern Michigan University <bsarjean at nmu.edu>;
> michlib-l at mail2.mcls.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Michlib-l] New Documents for January 2023
> Ok, is there any way to get a printed, glossy, “real” calendar of the that
> Cat Calendar? I would happily pay for one.
> Josh Ohlendorf
> Butman-Fish Library
> Public Libraries of Saginaw
> *From:* Michlib-l <michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org> *On Behalf Of *Bruce
> Sarjeant via Michlib-l
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 1, 2023 12:41 PM
> *To:* michlib-l at mail2.mcls.org
> *Subject:* [Michlib-l] New Documents for January 2023
> Good Afternoon.
> A list of new documents has been posted to the GODORT of Michigan wiki.
> Of note for this month:
> The 2023 Cat Calendar by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
> 2023 Michigan Notable Books.
> 2023 Eat Safe Fish Update.
> Intellectual property and the U.S. economy: third edition.
> 2021 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Regional Water Use Database.
> Coastal Hazards of the Western Upper Peninsula.
> The Clean Future Act and drinking water: legislation to ensure drinking
> water is safe and clean.
> Compilation of Hearings on the January 6th investigation.
> Distribution of U.S. personal consumption expenditures for 2019: a
> prototype based on consumer expenditure survey data.
> Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters.
> http://godortmi.pbworks.com/w/page/151980843/January%202023%20New%20Documents%20(and%20online%20resources)#view=edit
> --
> Bruce Sarjeant (pronouns: *he, him, his*)
> Reference, Documents & Maps Librarian
> Lydia Olson Library
> Northern Michigan University
> 1401 Presque Isle Ave
> Marquette, MI  49855
> (906) 227-1580
> bsarjean at nmu.edu
> _______________________________________________
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> Michlib-l at mcls.org
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Kate Pohjola Andrade (pronounce) <https://namedrop.io/katepohjolaandrade>
Woodlands Library Cooperative <https://woodlands.lib.mi.us>
517-629-9469 / 586-801-0725 - cell/text
Board Member, Midwest Collaborative for Library Services
*No Reservation Recommendations* <https://nrr.ninja>: your source for
colleague-approved vendors!
Schedule a meeting <https://doodle.com/bp/katepohjolaandrade/meet-with-me>
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