[Michlib-l] Next MCLS Virtual Dialogue: July 11, special time 7pm!

Jan Davidson davidsonj at mcls.org
Wed Jul 5 09:30:00 EDT 2023

The Midwest Collaborative for Library Services’ next Virtual Dialogue is coming fast on Tuesday, July 11! This month we'll meet at a special time, 7-8:30 p.m. Eastern (6-7:30 p.m. Central.) We hope this special evening time will allow frontline library staff, school librarians, and anybody else who can’t get away during the day to join in the conversation. And, of course, we hope to see some familiar faces as well!

We will continue to engage around cultivating a growth mindset, this time focusing on flipping problems into opportunities. Librarians and library workers at all levels and library types are invited to share and learn from each other!

MCLS Virtual Dialogues are different than traditional webinars or workshops. We use guided questions to facilitate a supportive space where you get to meet and talk with library workers from all different levels from all types of Indiana and Michigan libraries. We believe the answers are in the room and find that participants walk away feeling inspired and ready to implement the new ideas they heard from each other.

Registration is open at mcls.org/training-events/events/virtual-dialogues-2023<https://www.mcls.org/training-events/events/virtual-dialogues-2023>. You can also register for future dialogues (September 14 and November 8), each around a different component of cultivating a growth mindset in libraries. Registration is free, but limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have any questions, please email us at engagement at mcls.org<mailto:engagement at mcls.org>.

We hope you can join us and look forward to connecting with you!

Jan Davidson (she/her)

Library Consultant

Midwest Collaborative for Library Services

davidsonj at mcls.org<mailto:davidsonj at mcls.org>



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