[Michlib-l] Delivery coming to Brevort Township Community Library!

Lisa Waskin lwaskin at superiordistrictlibrary.org
Fri Jul 14 15:10:46 EDT 2023

A big shout-out to Tara and Megan and the rest of the people at MCLS who worked with the UP Delivery Company, WaltCo., to help bring services to the Brevort Township Community Library, part of the Superior Library District!  This small but mighty library is located in the tiny town of Moran in the Upper Peninsula, and has a very rural and remote population.  Having regular delivery services here will make so much difference to this community and we just really appreciate it.  We hope to start services next month, so keep an eye out for them on your list!
Many thanks,

Lisa Waskin, District Director
Superior District Library
541 Library Drive
Sault Sainte Marie, MI 49783
Ph. (906) 632-9331
lwaskin at superiordistrictlibrary.org<mailto:lwaskin at superiordistrictlibrary.org>

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