[Michlib-l] Program Recommendation

Jocelyn Levin jlevin at ltpl.org
Tue Jun 20 11:18:46 EDT 2023

If anyone has little ones of your own and would like to experience Evan in
person, we have plenty of room in our two all-ages concerts this Saturday,
and also have room in our morning Baby, Young Toddler, and Older Toddler
small groups: https://lyon.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/2023-june/

Everyone is welcome!

Jocelyn Levin, MLIS
Youth Services Librarian
jlevin at ltpl.org
**Please note new email address**

*My Pronouns: She/Her/Hers - See **www.mypronouns.org*
<http://www.mypronouns.org/>* to learn more.*
Lyon Township Public Library
27005 S. Milford Rd, South Lyon, MI 48178

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 11:47 AM Autumn Smith via Michlib-l <
michlib-l at mcls.org> wrote:

> Greetings friends!
> We just had an amazing program from Mr. Evan at Music at the Blissful and
> I wanted to share our experience for anyone looking to book an amazing
> children's music program for next Summer. Evan started his performance with
> a warm up to get all the kids comfortable. He even learned all of their
> names and referred to them by name throughout the entire show. Evan was
> very skilled at readjusting as needed to accomodate the group of very young
> children. One toddler started to get fussy and within 30 seconds, Evan had
> switched gears and rengaged the fussy toddler and we were back to smiles!
> Evan engaged our most reluctant little patrons and encouraged them to let
> loose and have fun and even made the older siblings feel welcomed, special
> and important.
> We also got great patron feedback on this program as well.
> Here's his webiste for more information:
> https://www.musicattheblissful.com/
> Autumn Smith
> Assistant Director
> *The Schultz-Holmes Memorial Library*
> 407 South Lane Street
> Blissfield, MI 49228
> 517-486-2858
> 517-486-3565 (fax)
> www.blissfieldlibrary.org
> Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
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