[Michlib-l] MiYouth meets April 11!

Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) LancasterC5 at michigan.gov
Wed Mar 29 13:09:07 EDT 2023

Tuesday, April 11
2:00 PM
Join LM's Youth Services Advisory Council (YSAC) for a discussion on youth & behavior in the library, as well as updates on TALK and MeL. Please note that MiYouth has transitioned to quarterly meetings (months vary) on the 2nd Tuesday at 2pm. Looking forward to seeing you at the next "MiYouth TWOsday!" We'll be sure to remind you to mark your calendars.
MiYouth meetings are open to all public library staff who work with youth in Michigan.
No need to register, just join us at 2pm ET!
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/506813991?pwd=Z2NBMTFES1BlRlNVc2lhbzV1eTJ0QT09
    Password: 454345

Looking forward to seeing you then, if not before at MLA Spring Institute this week!
Cathy Lancaster
Youth Services Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48915
My Pronouns: She/Her/Hers - See www.mypronouns.org<http://www.mypronouns.org/> to learn more.
LancasterC5 at michigan.gov<mailto:LancasterC5 at michigan.gov> | 517-335-8129 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
Follow us: Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/libraryofmichigan/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/libraryofmich> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/libraryofmichigan/>

Join the MiYouth<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmail2.mcls.org%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Fmiyouth&data=02%7C01%7CNorrisS2%40michigan.gov%7Caf51448f1e92415533aa08d6f4b53328%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C636965456410852648&sdata=nModcBWFyzGoDGK%2FtwsSeAXV%2F85AQKEtzzQQj%2FV%2B5fM%3D&reserved=0> Listserv, created for Michigan public library staff to share and discuss children and teen programming and services.

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