[Michlib-l] 2023 Michigan Notable Author Tours at a Library Near You!

Winans, Megan (MDE-Contractor) WinansM3 at michigan.gov
Wed May 31 10:45:01 EDT 2023

The 2023 Michigan Notable Books Author Tour continues through June. Every year, the Library of Michigan selects up to twenty of the most notable books, either written by a Michigan resident, about Michigan, or about the Great Lakes. The selected books are honored in the year after their publication or copyright date. Each selected title speaks to our state's rich cultural, historical, and literary heritage and proves without a doubt that some of the greatest stories are found in the Great Lakes State.

Click here<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/public/mnb/previous-notables/2023-michigan-notable-books> to find the list of this year's Notable Books and here<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/public/mnb/current-michigan-notable-books-year/2023-michigan-notable-books-author-tour> for the June tour stops. You can support programs like the Michigan Notable Books by making a gift to the Library of Michigan Foundation at: https://bit.ly/3WD863G

Megan Winans | Contractor
Library of Michigan Foundation | 702 W. Kalamazoo St., Lansing, MI 48915
Phone: (517) 449-8862| Fax: 517.335.1522
WinansM3 at michigan.gov<mailto:WinansM3 at michigan.gov>| www.Libraryofmichiganfoundation.org<http://www.libraryofmichiganfoundation.org/>

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