[Michlib-l] registrations/managing no-shows

Jean Fellows progcoord at gladl.org
Mon Nov 13 14:13:16 EST 2023

Hello all:
We struggle with folks who register for events-- and then don't cancel,
they just don't show up. Registrations fill up, folks who want to can't
register-- and we end up with some empty seats/materials left over.

We used to use a "wait list" function-- but
a.) our calendaring software was unable to process a short-notice
cancellation and notify the wait list that a spot had opened and
b.) People don't cancel-- they just straight up don't show up.

We've updated our email reminders to nicely stress the importance of
canceling, and we've stealth boosted our slots by 10%-- and still....

Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas?

Jean Fellows
Programming Coordinator
Grand Ledge Area District Library
131 E. Jefferson St.,
Grand Ledge, MI 48837

*The Grand Ledge Area District Library is situated on ancestral,
traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires
Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples-- land ceded in the
1819 Treaty of Saginaw. For more information, see the article from Central
Michigan University
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