[Michlib-l] New Documents for August, 2023

Bruce Sarjeant bsarjean at nmu.edu
Fri Sep 1 12:52:55 EDT 2023

Good Afternoon.

Posted to the GODORT of Michigan wiki is a list of new documents.  Of note
for August:

   - 2023 Eat Safe Fish Guides.
   - Michigan Forestry Best Management Practices for Soil and Water Quality
   - Federal cases involving forced labor of health professionals.
   - Asthma-Associated Emergency Department Visits During the Canadian
   Wildfire Smoke Episodes — United States, April– August 2023.
   - Preserving Tibet: combating cultural erasure, forced assimilation, and
   transnational repression.
   - The foreign-born population, the U.S. economy, and the federal budget.
   - Supreme Court narrows federal jurisdiction under Clean Water Act.
   - For the People, By the People: How State and Local Governments Operate.
   - Citizen's Guide to State Government, 102nd Legislature 2023-2024.


Bruce Sarjeant (pronouns: *he, him, his*)
Reference, Documents & Maps Librarian
Lydia Olson Library
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle Ave
Marquette, MI  49855
(906) 227-1580
bsarjean at nmu.edu
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