[Michlib-l] Call For Project Ideas: UMSI Client-Based Courses

Kristin Fontichiaro font at umich.edu
Thu Sep 14 16:30:01 EDT 2023

Hi, all --

The U-M School of Information is seeking projects for our students to sink
their teeth into! Please see note below from our Client Engagement Office
if you are interested!!

Hello UMSI community,

*The UMSI Engaged Learning Office is now accepting project ideas for Winter
2024 client-based courses and programs.
<https://www.si.umich.edu/host-student-project>* Our call for projects can
be found below. We welcome your project ideas, and we encourage you to
share this message broadly with your networks!

Would your organization benefit from student perspectives on an information
challenge that is central to your work? Are you interested in making a
positive impact on the next generation of information leaders? If so, the
University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI)
<https://www.si.umich.edu/> invites you to submit a project idea for a
client-based course or program.

*There is no cost to host a project.* In exchange for your time in
communicating with the team and your assistance in getting students what
they need to be successful, you will receive capacity-building deliverables
related to areas such as usability evaluation, preservation, web archiving,
librarianship, or digital curation.

*Courses: *UMSI is currently accepting project ideas for the following
graduate courses, which will take place in the Winter 2024 semester

   - SI 622: Needs Assessment and Usability Evaluation
   Students in this course will evaluate how well the user experience of your
   product or system meets the needs of its users by using specific methods to
   identify areas where the product or system succeeds, and where improvements
   can be made to help users achieve their goals.
   - SI 581: Preserving Information Resources in a Digital Age
   Students in this course will conduct a preservation assessment and provide
   a preservation plan that includes a series of recommendations.
   - SI 639: Web Archiving
   Students in this course will apply skills in web archive capture, replay,
   and analysis using contemporary tools and technologies.
   - SI 699: Librarianship & Archival Practice
   Students in this course will lead special projects relating to instruction,
   service design, assessment, and other areas of librarianship or archives.
   - SI 699: Digital Curation
   Students in this course will develop plans, procedures, and documentation,
   and build model sets for the management, archiving, digitization, and
   curation of large data sets and collections.

Submit your project idea <https://umforms.tfaforms.net/218328> by the
priority deadline, Friday, October 6, and our team will assist you in
developing and scoping a full project proposal for a team of students to
work on in the Winter 2024 semester, which takes place from January-April.
Please note that while we do our best to match all projects to a team, some
projects may not be selected. Check out previous project examples
learn more about what our students can do!

Please do not hesitate to contact the Engaged Learning Office at
umsi.client.engagement at umich.edu with any questions you have. We look
forward to reviewing your project idea!

*Gabby Strzalkowski **(pronunciation: straw-cow-ski)*
Pronouns: <https://pronouns.org/what-and-why> (she/her)
Marketing and Relationship Development Program Manager
University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI)
UMSI Engagement Center |  777 North University Ave., Suite 200
gabstrz at umich.edu | http://www.si.umich.edu

Submit a project idea <https://umforms.tfaforms.net/218328> for a UMSI
course or program <https://www.si.umich.edu/host-student-project>
Get involved in UMSI's Water Theme Year: Water Access and Conservation

Kristin Fontichiaro
Clinical Professor
University of Michigan School of Information
4427 North Quad
105 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Blog <http://fontichiaro.com/activelearning> | Book an Appointment (school
year only)

Michigan Makers <http://michiganmakers.si.umich.edu> | Making in Michigan
Libraries <http://makinglibraries.si.umich.edu>
Data Literacy in High School <http://dataliteracy.si.umich.edu> | Public
Library Management MOOC
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