[Michlib-l] Name Tags

dreid reeseunitylibrary.org dreid at reeseunitylibrary.org
Mon Feb 12 14:02:36 EST 2024

Thank you so much to everyone that replied. This is the most I've ever received!!

To clarify our particular situation, there are only 4 staff members and myself. The staff that have been here a few years or more have name tags, but the two newest do not. I had been purchasing name tags prior to the completion of probationary periods, at the board's request, but we've had such a turnover in the last few years that I have a collection growing in a drawer.

I love the idea some of you have about those that just say "staff" for new employees. I think I'll suggest that at tonight's meeting. It will negate having to purchase tags with specific names until we know the employee is settled in for certain.

Thank you,

Danielle Reid, Director

Reese Unity District Library

2065 Gates St., PO Box 413

Reese, MI 48757

Phone: (989) 868-4120

Fax: (989) 868-4123

From: Michlib-l <michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org> on behalf of dreid reeseunitylibrary.org via Michlib-l <michlib-l at mcls.org>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2024 11:14 AM
To: Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) via Michlib-l <michlib-l at mcls.org>
Subject: [Michlib-l] Name Tags

Good morning, Library Land!

I have to admit that I have never noticed, or don't recall having noticed, whether name tags are worn by staff when I go into libraries. This is a question that is going to be brought up at our meeting tonight, so I thought I would reach out to all of you and see how many libraries require their staff to wear name tags.

Thank you in advance,

Danielle Reid, Director

Reese Unity District Library

2065 Gates St., PO Box 413

Reese, MI 48757

Phone: (989) 868-4120

Fax: (989) 868-4123
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