[Michlib-l] Sponsored Storywalk Posts

Justine Peterson sevilletownshiplibrary at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 14:30:13 EST 2024

Hello Library land!

We're hoping to get our Storywalk up and running soon, and initially, my
township had agreed to go in on the project, but after talking with their
supervisor recently, I don't believe that's their plan any more. This isn't
necessarily a problem, as I have a few grants lined up that I want to apply
for, but it was brought up that maybe local businesses or individuals could
chip in and purchase individual posts.

I'm all for community participation, and it would take some of the
financial burden off the library, but I worry that some of the businesses
that were mentioned could rock the boat, and we've managed to keep pretty
lowkey. Like many places, our community has some opinions on marijuana
provisionaries, a lot of them negative. I'm concerned that having
prospective provisionaries sponsor Storywalk posts might lead to some
tension, to say the least.

Has anyone else had something like this pop up? When it comes to your
Storywalks, did anyone want to pay for a post? Would it be easier to just
tackle this on our own as the library?

I wish I could come to the hive mind with a less-weird question, but I'm
feeling a little stumped with this one!


*Justine Peterson*
Library Director
Seville Township Library
Riverdale, MI 48877
P: 989.833.7776

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