[Michlib-l] posting inquiry

suejohnson at mi.rr.com suejohnson at mi.rr.com
Wed Feb 28 12:11:43 EST 2024

I sent the following email on 2/21/2024 regarding the FOML Annual Meeting. 
 I have not seen it come through yet.  Did you receive it?

Please post:

Friends of Michigan Libraries Annual Membership Meeting, April 11, 10 am

FOML is excited about the Annual Meeting for 2024!   For the first time we 
are offering a blended meeting.  It will be held at the Library of 
Michigan in Lansing for those who are close enough to attend in person.  
If that is too far for you to travel, join us via Zoom.
In the morning, everyone will hear Debbie Mikula, MLA Executive Director, 
talking about “Library Friends & Right to Read:  What Should We Know?” and 
meet our 2024 Merit Award winners.
We will break for lunch and those on Zoom can raid your refrigerators. 
Participants on-site have the option of having lunch catered by Panera. 
There will be 4 choices including two vegetarian selections.   Lunch will 
cost an additional $15 that will be added to the registration fee when you 
register.  Those who do not wish to have lunch, select the “No Lunch” 
option and bring your own.
For the afternoon, on-site participants will engage in Table Talk and get 
to meet and share ideas with the other participants.  Those on Zoom will 
have a Connect with Friends session to share ideas and discuss issues with 
their Zoom neighbors.
Can’t wait to get together again!
Follow this link to register.
The deadline for registration is Tuesday, April 4. We look forward to 
having you join us.
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