[Michlib-l] What to do about fights on library property

Nicole Williams nwilliams at novilibrary.org
Wed Mar 22 16:07:23 EDT 2023

Hello All,

I was curious about something. Do any of the libraries that reported
fighting to have a Guest Relations Monitor? This is the role of the person
in our building. She is not a security guard but more a concierge. She has
established great relationships with our teens that come over to teen space
every day and the rest of the teens that come for coffee in our cafe. I
know that this is not an immediate solution but Josefa has been a Godsend.
Again, she has developed such great relationships with our youth and the
adults as well. However, they have connected with her and respect her
authority here at Novi Public Library. A couple of the youths have invited
her to the NHS games because of how she has connected with them. Building
relationships is what it's about.

Nicole Wlliams
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