June 2022 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed Jun 1 10:18:54 EDT 2022
Ending: Thu Jun 30 23:09:37 EDT 2022
Messages: 272
- [Michlib-l] Detroit Zoo summer coupon for library patrons!
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] New Documents for May
Bruce Sarjeant
- [Michlib-l] Adult Service Librarian Posting- Northville District Library
Laura Mancini
- [Michlib-l] Data about Michigan local officials on virtual meetings
Kristin Fontichiaro
- [Michlib-l] Online classes start next week! Professional development with UW-Madison iSchool
Anna Palmer
- [Michlib-l] Expanded hours at the Southfield Public Library
Kelly Rembert
- [Michlib-l] HELP!! I'm now paying attention lol
Joann Simmons
- [Michlib-l] Digitizing office records
Library Director
- [Michlib-l] Director Retirement
Heather Clark
- [Michlib-l] FREE Toner Available SEB38AR
Suzanne Schimanski-Gross
- [Michlib-l] Author Presentation: The Ground Breaking by Scott Ellsworth ~ June 7th, 6:00pm via Zoom
Amy Abele
- [Michlib-l] New Director
Heather Clark
- [Michlib-l] Discuss Maus by Art Spiegelman
Jen Hassell
- [Michlib-l] Mystery Book Stickers
Amber Alexander
- [Michlib-l] Request for recommended e-newsletter vendors
Jacalynn Harvey (Roseville Public Library)
- [Michlib-l] Reminder! Register for the Michigan Digital Preservation Network Summit on June 9!
Chelsea Denault
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting: Reference Assistant
Amy Greschaw
- [Michlib-l] FW: New! Stay Well Workshops
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Youth & Teen Services Updates
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Cliffs Notes
Elisabeth Phou
- [Michlib-l] Position Posting - Remote Option- Information Research Assistant, Traverse City, Michigan
Benitez, Sarah
- [Michlib-l] Non Resident Library Card
Amy Knepp
- [Michlib-l] Job posting: Saginaw Valley State University
Heather G. Fisher
- [Michlib-l] State Librarian's Excellence Award Applications - Due August 12
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Job Opportunity - Children's Librarian, Wauseon Public Library, Ohio
Janelle Thomas
- [Michlib-l] Green Tote of Packing Materials Available
Anne Oyerly
- [Michlib-l] Media boxes for Melcat packaging available
Anne Oyerly
- [Michlib-l] Special Collections Update - June 4, 2022
Oster, Adam (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Library Card Applications
- [Michlib-l] Tecumseh District Library - Virtual Presentation about Edith Head
Chuck Harpst
- [Michlib-l] Free Playaway cases
Jennifer Perryman
- [Michlib-l] Michigan Notable Book presentation: Call Me Athena: Girl from Detroit- June 16th 7pm via Zoom
Emily Tobin
- [Michlib-l] Compiled Responses Regarding African American Stickers
Jessica Wilhoite
- [Michlib-l] Employment Opportunity: Head of Adult Services at Saline District Library closing soon
Karrie Waarala
- [Michlib-l] Searching for Three Little Pigs - Help
Lorry Traver
- [Michlib-l] Register Now - Trustee Roundtable
Wartella, Becky (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] New Digital Collections Courses from Library Juice Academy
Gallo, Biz (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] recommendations of e-newsletter vendors
Jacalynn Harvey (Roseville Public Library)
- [Michlib-l] Save the Date: September 23 TLN Technology Forum
Angie Michelini
- [Michlib-l] Packaging
Nicole M Bovee
- [Michlib-l] MDHHS and GetSetUp renew partnership and expand to Library of Michigan to continue reducing isolation for older adults
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Upcoming Grant Digitization & Community Archiving Webinars
Gallo, Biz (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Program Recommendation
Matthew Day
- [Michlib-l] Recommendation for Native American History Presentation
Jaema Berman
- [Michlib-l] Genrefication of your Fiction Collection
Jaema Berman
- [Michlib-l] World Oceans Day - Wednesday, June 8th!
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Employment Opportunity: Full Time Adult Services Librarian II (West Bloomfield Library)
Jeff Crocker
- [Michlib-l] Fw: FREE WEBINAR TODAY: Managing Archival Research Photos and Building Digital Collections
Gallo, Biz (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting - FT Electronic Resources Librarian - Kettering University
Courtney Cooney
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Read Up! Guide - Summer Food Service Program resource
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Full 2022 MCLS training schedule available - Essential Workplace Skills (previously Soft Skills) are back!
Gwen Haviland
- [Michlib-l] CLOSING SOON - CEO - Indianapolis Public Library (IN)
Beth Barker
- [Michlib-l] Recommendation for Native American History Presentation-Follow up!
Jaema Berman
- [Michlib-l] Cataloging "Light Novels"
Adkins, Melissa
- [Michlib-l] Libraries using Timeslips?
Meghan Mott
- [Michlib-l] MeL Minute: Summer Adventures Across Michigan
Laura Warren-Gross
- [Michlib-l] Back in Circulation: A conference for circulation and access services managers and staff - Oct 3-4
Anna Palmer
- [Michlib-l] Upcoming Event at BPL- Secret Societies in Detroit Monday, June 13 at 7:00 PM
Mick Howey
- [Michlib-l] Speaker recommendation
Holly Hibner
- [Michlib-l] [Job Opportunity] Finance Coordinator
BTPL Careers
- [Michlib-l] MIX 2022 -- Registration and Call for Facilitators Now Open
Jo Angela Oehrli
- [Michlib-l] Celebrate Juneteenth with PDL!
Holly Hibner
- [Michlib-l] Free BluRay Cases
Anna Merritt
- [Michlib-l] Upcoming Program at Brandon Township Public Library: Edmund Fitzgerald: The Stories, The Song
Jesse Cornea
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting - Assistant Director - Mount Clemens Public Library
Brandon Bowman
- [Michlib-l] Southfield Public Library celebrates Juneteenth
Kelly Rembert
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting - Part Time Reference Librarian - Springfield Township Librarian
Kristina Costigan
- [Michlib-l] Employment Opportunity: Full-Time Youth Services Librarian at Saline District Library
Karrie Waarala
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting - Library Specialist - Mount Clemens Public Library
Brandon Bowman
- [Michlib-l] Survey from MASP
Debbie Mikula
- [Michlib-l] JOB POSTING - Coordinator of the Educational Resources Lab (ERL), Oakland University
Amanda Nichols Hess
- [Michlib-l] Virtual Director's Meeting
Susan Wess
- [Michlib-l] VR programs
Erin Zabonick
- [Michlib-l] Head Librarian -- Outreach Services job announcement
Lisa Hoenig
- [Michlib-l] Librarian II, Adult Services job announcement
Lisa Hoenig
- [Michlib-l] Poetry reading at Farmington Library
Emanuela DeCenso
- [Michlib-l] Job Announcement
Lawrence Marble
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting: PT Adult Information Services Librarian, Troy Public Library
Constance L Doherty
- [Michlib-l] Free online program, June 14, Voting Rights and the Criminal Legal System
Jennifer Dye
- [Michlib-l] Director position posting
Dennis Kreps
- [Michlib-l] Music of the Renaissance
Kirsten Wellnitz
- [Michlib-l] Sarah Zachrich Jeng Michigan Notable Book Talk
Paulina Poplawska
- [Michlib-l] All Aboard With MAP: Steam Railroading Institute Joins Michigan Activity Pass Program!
Jim Flury
- [Michlib-l] Upcoming Program at Dearborn Public Library & Program Recommendation
Henry Fischer
- [Michlib-l] Summer survey preview
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Returning to a New Normal: Building Resiliency Program
Anna Granch
- [Michlib-l] Normal Cognitive Decline vs. Dementia: When to Worry Program
Anna Granch
- [Michlib-l] [Job Opportunity] Youth Services Part Time Librarian
BTPL Careers
- [Michlib-l] Michigan Notable Book presentation: Call Me Athena: Girl from Detroit - this Thursday 6/16 via Zoom
Emily Tobin
- [Michlib-l] Sad news to share - Donna Olson
Paulina Poplawska
- [Michlib-l] Free PCI webinars
Wartella, Becky (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] FREE: Gently used DVD and CD cases
Adrienne Breznau
- [Michlib-l] books up for grabs
Perri Saunders
- [Michlib-l] TAKEN - books up for grabs
Perri Saunders
- [Michlib-l] FW: Registration Open for 2022 United for Libraries Virtual: Trustees, Friends, Foundations
Membiela, Clare (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Smithsonian Exhibit-One Week Left to apply
Ashley Ross
- [Michlib-l] Library of Michigan Trustee Roundtable Events
Membiela, Clare (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Program Recommendation - Larry Martin
Jennifer Noble
- [Michlib-l] Paula Yoo - Michigan Notable Author Virtual Visit - Ecorse Public Library
Alice Howard
- [Michlib-l] LM's Library Science Collection - Intellectual Freedom titles
Reish, Karren (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] recap of 6/14 MiYouth Call
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting -- Youth Services Librarian
Gretchen Evans
- [Michlib-l] Call for nominations to serve on the MCLS Board of Directors
Kate Pohjola Andrade
- [Michlib-l] Items Up For Grabs
Annie Spence
- [Michlib-l] Get Your Tickets to the Book and Author Society Live Event!
Glenn Fischer
- [Michlib-l] ELPL employment opportunities
Brice Bush
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting - Youth Services Librarian
Kelly Flynn
- [Michlib-l] Packing Bags
Karri Slater
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting- Library Services Associate at the Watervliet District Library
Kati Burtchett
- [Michlib-l] Reference Positions-Monroe County Library System
Nancy Bellaire
- [Michlib-l] Matt Willis Named New Willard Library Director
Kristine Pioch
- [Michlib-l] Larry Martin Program Recommendation
emily at romeodistrictlibrary.org
- [Michlib-l] Presenter Recommendation - Irene Miller
Brannon McCullough
- [Michlib-l] LENA: Libraries as innovators in early childhood education webinar
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] QR Code Generator - free?
Lorry Traver
- [Michlib-l] Unvaccinated Staff
Membiela, Clare (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Detroit Public Library - Librarian II
Tiffani Simon
- [Michlib-l] Register soon for the last class of the semester from MCLS!
Gwen Haviland
- [Michlib-l] Michigan Big Green Gym
Tracy Logan
- [Michlib-l] PT Circ Assistant Wanted
AW Cierra Bakovka
- [Michlib-l] Michigan Notable Book Presentation: Dead of Winter - June 18th 2PM
Trista Reno
- [Michlib-l] Magazine Covers available
Cristi Harnish
- [Michlib-l] Providing access to special software
Gretchen Evans
- [Michlib-l] MCLS Offices closed on 6/20/2022
Megan Dudek
- [Michlib-l] Author T. Marie Bertineau Presentation
Jaema Berman
- [Michlib-l] Mid-Michigan Library League Director
Debra Greenacre
- [Michlib-l] MLA has two FREE events next week to help libraries address public challenges and book banning
Rachel Ash
- [Michlib-l] Reminder of upcoming MI PR Group Zoom meeting - Tuesday at 10am
Kelly Rembert
- [Michlib-l] WMU Seeking Candidates to fill two Tenure Track Faculty Librarian Positions
Julie A Garrison
- [Michlib-l] Free Furniture
Andrea Dickson
- [Michlib-l] Michigan Notable Author - John Wemlinger
Anna Merritt
- [Michlib-l] Oceanographer Virtual Event
Paige Brandli
- [Michlib-l] Job Opportunity
- [Michlib-l] The Special Collections Update - June 17, 2022
Oster, Adam (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Upcoming Event at Brandon Twp Library: Always a Welcome Sight, Michigan Lighthouses
Alyssa Waldie
- [Michlib-l] Library Director Posting - Elk Rapids
Brian Mortimore
- [Michlib-l] Closing for COVID
Cory Grimminck
- [Michlib-l] Job Opportunity - PT Circulation and Programming Assistant
Tamara Denby
- [Michlib-l] CMPL Seeking Provisional Technology Assistants
Terri Dedischew
- [Michlib-l] Job Opportunity-PT Circulation and Programming Assistant Corrected Link
Tamara Denby
- [Michlib-l] Ballot question
Joann Simmons
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting - Manager, Library Technology Services at Oakland University (Rochester, MI)
Tracy Macpherson
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting: Technology Services Manager, The Library Network
Steven K. Bowers
- [Michlib-l] Michlib-L Listserv Reminder
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] (Job Posting) Two Tenure-Track Faculty Librarian Positions at Western Michigan University
Mary K O'Kelly
- [Michlib-l] FREE! Colibri machine and Plastic book display shelving
Jenn Donner
- [Michlib-l] Allegan District Library is hiring: Adult Programming and Marketing Coordinator
Devin Erlandson
- [Michlib-l] Funding for national conference attendance from LM
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Items up for grabs In Dearborn Heights
Carolyn Smith
- [Michlib-l] Refugee and Immigrant ESL and Adult Education Resource Mapping - Libraries
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] New MCLS phone numbers coming in July
Gwen Haviland
- [Michlib-l] MI PR Group recording is ready to watch
Kelly Rembert
- [Michlib-l] Call for donations MLA Annual Conference 2022 silent auction event
bellairelibrary at torchlake.com
- [Michlib-l] Book bans, challenges, and more: share your stories and attend a FREE workshop June 24
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] FW: Special Edition -- Library of Michigan -- Special Collections Update
Oster, Adam (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Muskegon Area District Library - New Director Announcement
Mariel Chandler
- [Michlib-l] MCLS + University of Michigan: Enrollment Now Open for “Grant Writing and Crowdfunding for Public Libraries” Course
Gwen Haviland
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting - Manager Children/Youth Services
Tiffani Simon
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting - Technology Librarian - Mount Clemens Public Library
Brandon Bowman
- [Michlib-l] Looking for new collection development and book challenge policies
Amber Hughey
- [Michlib-l] Marketing Manager Position
Kevin Ayala
- [Michlib-l] In Person Program - Making Waves: Michigan's Boat Building Industry - Monday, June 27 @ 7 p.m.
Alexis Shirk
- [Michlib-l] Steam Railroading Institute: Free Programs For Michigan Public Libraries
Jim Flury
- [Michlib-l] GetSetUp Online Classes for Older Adults
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Closing soon: Full-Time Youth Services Librarian at Saline District Library
Karrie Waarala
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting: FT Reference Librarian @ Delta College
Pratt, Michele - Staff <michelepratt at delta.edu>
- [Michlib-l] MeL Minute: The Guilty Pleasures of MeL
Ann Kaskinen
- [Michlib-l] Book Club Kits available
Janelle Bishop
- [Michlib-l] New career opportunity - Director - Cromaine District Library (MI)
Beth Barker
- [Michlib-l] Writing for Bliss Workshop ~ June 28, 6pm ~ Zoom Program
Amy Abele
- [Michlib-l] Free online program, June 28, What to Expect from the JWST's First Year of Science
Jennifer Dye
- [Michlib-l] Free Books!
Marsha Langenderfer
- [Michlib-l] Trustee Roundtables Scheduled in July for Petoskey and Farmington
White, Shannon (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Seeking used CD/DVD's
Jean Fellows
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting at the Rochester Hills Public Library - FT Teen Librarian
Allison Sartwell
- [Michlib-l] Call for Proposals: Something Old, Something New: Using Social Media to Engage Communities with Local History
Gallo, Biz (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] (Free) DVD security cases
Sara Simich (Roseville Public Library)
- [Michlib-l] Golden Girls S 1 & 2 new DVDS
Sara Ault
- [Michlib-l] Periodicals subscription managers
Meredith Sommers
- [Michlib-l] MIX 2022 @ WMU - Submit an idea to facilitate a discussion / activity TODAY!
Amanda Nichols Hess
- [Michlib-l] Book scanning recommendation
Jill Rauh
- [Michlib-l] Seeking bindery recommendation
Jill Rauh
- [Michlib-l] Summer Reading Program
Amy Knepp
- [Michlib-l] [Job Opportunities] Systems (IT) Specialist, Youth Services Librarian, Adult Services Page
BTPL Careers
- [Michlib-l] Part-Time Librarian Openings
Tammy Turgeon
- [Michlib-l] Train table looking for a new library home
Joyce Becker
- [Michlib-l] 2 Part Time Job Opportunities-Ruth Hughes Memorial District Library
Jessica Bostian
- [Michlib-l] Train table has found a new home
Joyce Becker
- [Michlib-l] Magazine Subscription Managers
Sonja Downey
- [Michlib-l] CMU Libraries job posting, Manager of Access & User Services
Irwin, Kathy Maureen
- [Michlib-l] LMCC Call for Proposals
- [Michlib-l] Digital Resource (Tutor.com)
Jack Buck
- [Michlib-l] magazine binders to give away
Jennifer Perryman
- [Michlib-l] Dearborn Public Library Zoom Talk on Church of Baseball with Ron Shelton & Jim Burnstein
Lodge, Daniel
- [Michlib-l] Keep Kids Fed Act and Summer Meals
Lancaster, Cathy (MDE)
- [Michlib-l] Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Comstock Youth
- [Michlib-l] Searching for Halloween Makeup Artist Demonstration
Lorry Traver
- [Michlib-l] Education Stipend policy request
Amber Hughey
- [Michlib-l] Novi Public Library - RFP for Strategic Planning Services
Julie Farkas
- [Michlib-l] Branch Associate Position available at the Orion Township Library
Joyce Becker
- [Michlib-l] Engaging Non-Users
Sara Ault
- [Michlib-l] NEW: Executive Director search - Pueblo City-County District Library (CO)
Beth Barker
- [Michlib-l] Halloween Make-Up
Joyce Krom
- [Michlib-l] Postage
NW Amy Stockwell
- [Michlib-l] Job Posting: Marketing and Public Relations Librarian
April Dillinger
- [Michlib-l] Rare job opportunity in Traverse City, MI for an early literacy librarian!
Deb Radjenovich
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 23:09:37 EDT 2022
Archived on: Thu Jun 30 23:10:23 EDT 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).